The Security Battlefield
  Increasingly, information security is a "featured" topic in newspapers, news broadcasts, and IT circles. The alarming proliferation of malicious code such as viruses and worms, combined with an increased frequency of attacks by both outsiders and employees, has heightened Board level attention to this topic.
About CyberWall

   CyberWall Technologies is frequently involved in helping clients detect and respond to security incidents. At times we are asked to help interpret and correlate logged events, at times we are asked to perform forensic analysis of hard drives, and increasingly our assistance culminates in reporting an event to law enforcement.

Organizations can no longer expect to avoid information security events. Rather, organizations can only hope to prevent most, detect others, and respond appropriately to events in an effort to minimize risks. Since achieving absolute security is unrealistic, organizations must effective identify threats and vulnerabilities and scale appropriate solutions given the organizations' size, complexity, and risk profile.

CyberWall Tech is the Solution. Contact us to find out how we can help.

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   13 october :: 2003
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   13 october :: 2003
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